The World’s First Flexible Flat Solar Panel


eArch, lightweight


Asbigreen supplies lightweight solar panel modules in any size. From the 2-cell to the 72-cell high-performance module: glass-free, flexible, solid and extremely light.

During assembly, the modules can be adapted to the requirements on site. They are glued, riveted, screwed or mounted on the substructure using magnets or existing eyelets. This keeps the weight of the system extremely low and allows them to be mounted even on roofs or facades with difficult structural or physical conditions.

The product portfolio of Asbigreen consists of the extensive eArche line, lightweight panels developed for installation on existing buildings and specific solar panels for mobile 12v solutions (such as boat, caravan and camping).

Good to know is that due to their special surface texture, the modules supplied by Asbrigreen are not completely smooth. This results in an anti-glare effect and makes this solution ideal for installation on roofs and open-air surfaces that must be neither shiny nor reflect light or sun. For example near airports, but also in other locations where reflection can be experienced as a nuisance.

  • Retrofit Market

    Because of its lightness and flexibility, eArche can be integrated with the shape of a building.

  • Construction Industry

    Integration of eArche with different building materials for generating solar energy.

  • Mobile Power

    eArche is also easy to apply on trains, caravans and boat yachts.


  • Leightweight

    By replacing the glass and optimizing the frame, eArche panels weigh 90% less than conventional PV panels.

  • Flexible

    eArche combines a unique, proprietary material with other leading technologies to produce a superior flexible crystalline-silicon panel that can be installed on a curved surface.

  • Efficient

    eArche can reduce installation costs to 50% through the use of redesigned components, ease of use and faster installation.

  • Aesthetics

    Aesthetically pleasing design with patented materials and an advanced manufacturing process result in a highly efficient, attractive panel, with no light pollution, PID-free operation and high safety levels.

  • Thin

    The minimum thickness of the eArche line ranges from 2.0 mm frameless, making it ideal for vehicle applications.

  • Attachement

    Various fastening methods are possible, such as gluing and screwing.

  • Pre-Assembled

    Plus 1KW systems are supplied pre-assembled and simplify installation resulting in a saving of labour time.

  • Easily Transportable

    eArche's innovative frame and low weight significantly reduce transportation costs.

  • Durable

    eArche panels are certified to withstand maximum test loads and stringent quality control ensures longevity.